Textile Machine Automation

With Textile Automation, product inputs and outputs following a freze are much easier to follow. The Textile Automation Program will facilitate your work following the production, order, export and freight processing of textile companies ...
Confection Productivity Automation
With apparel productivity automation, you can control the performance of your employees. You will get as many new pieces of information as you can about how many cm sewn your clothes are sewn on a daily basis, you will be able to get this data from your mobile phone anytime you want.
System Benefits
Thanks to the results of the organization, seeing the successes and failures of the employees helps to organize their future work.
• How much of the human resources are controlled by the employees' goals.
• Ensures regular monitoring of how workers are doing their jobs.
• Helps employees recognize and eliminate their own deficiencies.
• Workers are able to see their achievements and thus achieve job satisfaction.
• Workers learn expectations in the framework of task definitions of their superiors.
• Assistance is provided to help with wage management and wage adjustments.
• It helps the organization to reach information about how long employees are actively working during working hours.
• Allows the worker to determine the working-break time interval.
• Increased inter-operative competition helps.
• Strategic information on motivating employees can be reached.
• Increases productivity and quality in production.
• Gives the business a competitive edge.
What kind of information can be accessed?
You will be able to access the following information as soon as the system becomes operational in our enterprise.
• Harmonization with working hours
• Production can be measured (Quantity and sewing quantity)
• Follow-up of molasses (number and duration)
• Active production time. (Real time spent on production)